Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Children of Conflict

Hello Grade 3 parents!

Last week, in preparation for the video, we talked to the children about why there is a war going on in Afghanistan, the meaning of being literate and the various degrees of poverty. This afternoon we watched a 30 minute video called "Children of Conflict" about the children of Afghanistan. A very quick but rich discussion followed. The children were able to identify the things that made them sad - not having enough food, not being able to attend school, not having the proper shoes to wear in the winter, having no toys, etc. and were also able to identify things that made them happy when they watched the video.

The intent was to not only teach the children about those that are less fortunate, but to talk to them about the WONDERFUL things that are happening to help those that are less fortunate. Additionally, we spoke about the things that we appreciate that not everyone is lucky enough to have. (It goes wonderfully with the appreciation statements the children share after a Tribes activity!)

1 1/2 boxes filled for Afghanistan! Thank you for the support!