Saturday, June 7, 2008

Two more weeks

How time flies! This may (or may not!) be the last post of the school year. We have two more weeks to complete before summer vacation will be upon us.

The grade 3's completed their district math assessments on Thursday. They worked hard and hopefully this will be reflected in the results!

The grade 3 students will be participating in a Science Camp that is hosted by Mr. Fequet's Grade 5 students one morning this week. They will pass through a variety of science centres which I'm sure they will enjoy greatly!

On June 16th, all the grade 3 classes will be taking a field trip around Saint John - particularly, The Loyalist Burial ground, Loyalist House, Market Square, Martello Tower and Reversing Falls. If you are interested in participating as a parent volunteer, please let me know and I will be in contact.

The last day of school is on June 20th. The district has formally announced that it will be a half day. More information will follow.